Since 1998, seniors get personalized jerseys with their grade’s graduation year on them. It is a fun way to celebrate their final year, and show a tidbit of each student’s personality. They are worn on the day of the month that corresponds to their graduation year. For example, the class of 2025 will wear their jerseys on the 25th of each month.
Each year the students of the graduating class get to decide what to put on the back of Landy’s jersey. Last year, the class of 2024 decided to dub her “Rizz Landy,” a play on her nickname (Roz) and the internet’s obsession with Oxford English Dictionary’s word of the year for 2023, ‘rizz.’
As well as getting to wear their jerseys to school, seniors dress up in themed outfits to count down to their final day of school. Some notable themes from last year include rhyme without reason and neon. On the last day of school, the entire senior class wears their jerseys, adding a special flair to their final moments as high school students.
Beginning of the end
Lindsey Shapiro, Reporter
September 5, 2024
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About the Contributors

Lindsey Shapiro, Opinion Editor

Sadaf Zadeh, In-Depth Editor

Abby Chesman, Multimedia Editor
Abby is ecstatic to officially join the Lion’s Tale as Multimedia editor. She has been doing photography for the CESJDS publications for the past three years and is an Editor-in-Chief on the Bohr Franklin Science Journal, as well as a Student Admissions Representative. She is an aspiring cinematographer and her debut short The Window has won several filmmaking awards in the DC area. For fun, she enjoys listening to music, doing the NYT mini crossword, rock climbing, and the Oxford comma.

Julia Rich, Reporter