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Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
32° Rockville, MD
The student news site of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School

The Lion's Tale

The student news site of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School

The Lion's Tale

The student news site of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School

The Lion's Tale

Eva Bard

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief

After working as an Arts and Entertainment Editor this past year, Eva Bard is thrilled to continue her work on the Lion’s Tale as Editor-in-Chief. Eva enjoys both designing and writing for the Lion’s Tale, but if she had to choose one, she would have to choose writing. Aside from Lion’s Tale, Eva serves as the president of the Green Team and is a member of the Student Council and Dance Team. She loves working with others, and cannot wait to collaborate with the outstanding group of reporters and editors on the Lion’s Tale this upcoming year.

All content by Eva Bard

Weekdays don’t have to be boring

Eva Bard, Outgoing Editor in Chief
February 7, 2022
Behind the counter, fresh manoushe is prepared within 10 minutes of ordering.

A taste of the Middle East

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
December 16, 2021
Students in Contemporary Issues in Israel welcomed chef Michael Solomonov on Zoom for a cooking demonstration and Q&A. The students cooked tabbouleh with kale, apple, walnuts and sumac-onion. Together with Jewish history teacher Aaron Bregman, Solomonov turned the cafeteria into a kitchen and classroom.

Turning the kitchen into a classroom

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
November 18, 2021
“Solar Power” shines bright

“Solar Power” shines bright

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
September 10, 2021

“Solar power” shines bright

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
September 9, 2021

In-person academics next fall

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
May 25, 2021

Going in or staying home

Eva Bard, Incoming Editor-in-Chief
February 1, 2021
Junior Mira Beinart reads her history summer reading book in a hammock.

Give summer reading books a chance

Eva Bard, Arts and Entertainment Editor
September 4, 2020
CESJDS parents were sent the above email to join a virtual conversation on upcoming steps for the school in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Principals host Zoom call for parents on coronavirus updates

Eva Bard, Arts and Entertainment Editor
March 23, 2020
A conceptual map of Israel and Palestine under President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "Peace to Prosperity" plan.

White House announces new peace plan

Eva Bard, Style Editor
January 31, 2020
Six JDS high school students attended the Global Climate Strike. They marched with signs in front of the U.S. Capitol Building.

Stand for what you stand on

Eva Bard, Reporter
October 4, 2019
Phones down, eyes up

Phones down, eyes up

Eva Bard, Guest Writer
May 15, 2019
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