QuaranTEENed – This May Be A While

Addie Bassin and Jonathan Morris

In this episode, students and teachers reflect on their first week and a half of distance learning. This episode we hear from freshmen Sammy Schreiber and Dalya Offer, sophomores Dalia Siegel and Elyon Topolosky and juniors Jane Trainor and Josh Bachrach, and revisit junior Tess Mendelson on how she has kept up with her plans.  Jewish History Department Chair Aaron Bregman shares the challenges teachers are facing during this time of uncertainty, especially those with young children, and Dean of Students Roz Landy provides updates on the state of the distance learning program.

QuaranTEENed will have a new episode each week of distance learning to revisit this unprecedented chapter in student life. If you would like to be interviewed for an upcoming episode, email [email protected] or contact one of the reporters.