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Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
28° Rockville, MD
The student news site of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School

The Lion's Tale

The student news site of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School

The Lion's Tale

The student news site of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School

The Lion's Tale

All content by photo by Eva Bard, LT
Behind the counter, fresh manoushe is prepared within 10 minutes of ordering.

[Photo] A taste of the Middle East

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
December 16, 2021
Students in Contemporary Issues in Israel welcomed chef Michael Solomonov on Zoom for a cooking demonstration and Q&A. The students cooked tabbouleh with kale, apple, walnuts and sumac-onion. Together with Jewish history teacher Aaron Bregman, Solomonov turned the cafeteria into a kitchen and classroom.

[Photo] Turning the kitchen into a classroom

Eva Bard, Editor-in-Chief
November 18, 2021
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