The last hurrah

Shiri Cohen

Seniors close out their high school careers with graduation events.

Gigi Gordon, Sports Editor


Before seniors step out into the real world, they attend a series of workshops on practical topics not covered in the school curriculum. Workshops were held a week after the seniors’ last classes between Jan. 26-30, and covered a large array of topics including financial literacy, drug and alcohol abuse, the rise of antisemitism on college campuses and healthy relationships. 

According to Dean of Students Roslyn Landy, the workshops provide further education that seniors do not use or necessarily learn during high school in a classroom setting, but will need in college and beyond.


Siyyum is a culmination ceremony for the seniors that happens the Friday before graduation. Siyyum was held at B’nai Israel Congregation on Feb. 10. 

At Siyyum, members of the graduating class gave a Dvar Torah, and some students sang or played an instrument during the few musical performances interspersed throughout the ceremony. Some students also received awards for academic excellence and community achievements. Landy said these are awarded at Siyyum rather than at graduation to avoid overshadowing the big accomplishment for every senior, which is graduating high school. 


Graduation was held at Washington Hebrew Congregation on Feb. 12. This marked the very end of high school for the seniors and is the final step in their JDS careers before most of them head off to Israel for the Senior Capstone trip.

The ceremony consists of speeches by the head of school, Rabbi Mitch Malkus, and a few others, but the longest speech is the cantada. The cantada is written and delivered by the graduates and summarizes their journey through JDS from kindergarten to graduation. 

“I don’t think there’s a nicer and more personal high school graduation anywhere; they are usually somewhat boring,” Landy said.


Prom is a night that students dream of from the moment they start their high school journey. The evening began with pictures at Kenwood Country Club. Pictures were followed by Prom at the Marriott Hotel in Rockville, with After-Prom taking place at CESJDS. After-Prom is a more relaxed hangout for students after the excitement of Prom.

Landy said that After-Prom is held at the school to prevent late night car accidents, a practice started in Montgomery County Public Schools which JDS later adopted. Prom is exciting for seniors as it celebrates their high school careers coming to a close. 

“We’ve finished classes, but [highschool] doesn’t feel over yet, but by the time we have Prom, it feels like graduation is right around the corner and we’re gonna be done,” senior Devorah          Freeman said.