Change in Color: Color War changes to increase attendance

Irit Skulnik and Jonathan Morris

Color War this year incorporated several changes, notably having four teams instead of two; red, silver, blue and gold. There were also many changes to the schedule including a relay race and a bucket brigade.

High school math teacher and this year’s Color War coordinator Tori Ball hoped to infuse more excitement into Color War.

“The goal was to have people feel a little bit more of a connection to their team because it’s [one’s team] smaller. We also thought it would introduce some interesting new ways of competition,” Ball said. “We can have some four-way battles and things like that.”

Ball said that at first, the administration was thinking of canceling Color War altogether; however, the juniors, who plan it every year, were unhappy with this solution. Ultimately, High School Principal and Associate Head of School Dr. Marc Lindner agreed that if the planning committee gets people more enthusiastic about Color War then the administration would not have to cancel or drastically change the day.

The goal of the changes to Color War, according to Ball, was to increase attendance.

“I am hopeful that it will affect the student attendance positively and that people will say this is going to be different and be curious to see what it’s like,” Ball said. “I was bummed out that attendance wasn’t good for color war last year, and I’m hopeful that making it feel different will increase curiosity and interest.”

Junior and green team member Maya Bellas was very excited for Color War and to help coordinate the events throughout the day.

“I think it’s such a fun day and a good opportunity to bond with new people you don’t have in your classes every day,” Bellas said. “I’m [was] excited to stand up there with my clipboard and whistle…”