Real-time reactions to the second presidential debate


photos by Arielle Weinstein and Dahlia Lehman

Junior Isaac Silber and senior Jared Bauman.

Isaac Silber and Jared Bauman, News Editor and Guest Columnist

Two of the many students who tuned into Sunday night’s presidential debate, guest columnist Jared Bauman and news editor Isaac Silber, share their real-time reactions.


Pre-debate: Rumor has it first question will go to Hillary, and it will be about Trump’s leaked comments. I despise his comments, but would rather they talk about something more recent than 11 years ago.


Pre-debate: Trump bringing in three women who accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them into the debate is an inappropriate move which has nothing to do with the debate whatsoever.


Pre-debate: There’s talk of something happening to let Pence replace Trump as GOP nominee … Though it’s pretty impossible, I’m sure a lot of people would be down. #Pence2016

9:04 p.m.: How did they find so many undecided voters?

9:05 p.m.: No handshake … We’ve come a long way when it comes to civil discourse.


9:05 p.m.: At least Trump is wearing a red tie, so this should be less confusing.


9:06 p.m.: Hillary says we should “lift each other up.” How do higher taxes, more regulations, and Obamacare do that?


9:07 p.m.: Clinton is already giving more of her policy and agenda than we have seen from Trump this entire election season.


9:07 p.m.: Hillary’s opening sounds like a stolen Sanders stump speech. That SNL ad came true!

9:08 p.m.: I wonder if Hillary would ever say she agrees with Trump. He said he agreed with her during the first debate as well, regarding police relations.

9:08 p.m.: Trump hits Obamacare, Iran deal, trade, Obama-Clinton economy … Maybe if he’d done this a year ago he’d be winning.


9:09 p.m.: Trump talking about respect is so ironic, given his recent comments and his campaign as a whole.


9:10 p.m.: I’ve always wondered why Trump doesn’t focus on his plan for inner cities and minorities as much … Progressive policies have failed inner cities, and he needs to make people know that.


9:10 p.m.: Trump’s comments are mentioned five minutes in. “No I didn’t say that.” That’s the first lie of the night. Many more to come.


9:11 p.m.: Not sure if “I’ll knock the hell out of ISIS” is an answer to a question about his comments.


9:11 p.m.: Trump just took a question about his inappropriate comments and turned it into something about ISIS that makes no sense.


9:11 p.m.: Trump sounds very tripped up about Cooper’s questions. Not good.


9:11 p.m.: “I have more respect for women than anyone” I am laughing so hard right now.


9:12 p.m.: Trump says no one has more respect for women than he does. I’m pretty sure that I do.


9:13 p.m.: Clinton is spot on. Trump’s comments do represent exactly who he is. That is why he cannot be president.


9:14 p.m.: Hillary lists the people Trump has “offended.” I’m glad she’s using new and exciting tactics.


9:15 p.m.: “It’s just words, folks.” Yes, Trump, it’s just words, and your words are filthy and disgusting.


9:15 p.m.: Trump did a good job keeping his cool and not blowing up when cut off by Raddatz … He would have done much better last debate if he did the same when attacked over taxes.


9:17 p.m.: Just a reminder to Donald Trump that Bill Clinton is not running for president.


9:17 p.m.: Hillary has the gall to say she’s a champion of women, yet she destroyed the lives of women who had legitimate assault claims against her husband.

9:19 p.m.: Hillary hasn’t talked this much about a video since Benghazi.


9:20 p.m.: Hillary bringing up true facts about Trump not apologizing. Much more appealing than Trump’s lies about Bill Clinton.


9:20 p.m.: I legitimately don’t understand the claim that raising questions about Obama’s birthplace is racist. Why is it racist? Was it racist when they did it about Ted Cruz?


9:21 p.m.: Huge lie number two: Hillary starting the birther crisis. Trump, you are wrong about this. Move on, Clinton did not start this rumor.


9:22 p.m.: Trump attacks DNC over conspiring against Bernie. This is really important: no matter how bad Trump is, the Democratic party is fundamentally corrupt.


9:22 p.m.: If this is just gonna be back and forth about apologizing and Trump lying, this is going to get boring and repetitive. Can we have some substance on policy?

9:23 p.m.: At least the Democratic party didn’t elect a demagogue like Donald Trump. I think the Republican party has much bigger problems.


9:24 p.m.: Hillary has a real-time fact checker on her website! I had no idea! She should’ve mentioned this more!

9:24 p.m.: “Because you’d be in jail.” Mic drop. Anderson looks mad, for whatever reason.

9:26 p.m.: Secrets about going after Bin Laden you mean secrets you spilled during one of your Wall Street speeches? This happened … Look it up.


9:27 p.m.: Once again, Trump accusing Clinton of lying is so ironic given his multitude of lies that he’s already made tonight. I guess some people never change.


9:28 p.m.: “Because you have nothing to say.” I hope someone is making Trump thug life memes.


9:29 p.m.: Trump is starting to get angry, this should be good. If Trump’s campaign has not already exploded, it is about to.


9:29 p.m.: Trump isn’t right about much, but he’s right about the one-on-three. Definitely not right about the “gentleman” part though.

9:30 p.m.: I like how Clinton is disagreeing with Clinton about a healthcare program championed by Clinton during the presidency of Clinton. #confusedyet?

9:32 p.m.: “Obamacare is a disaster.” Sounds like what Bill Clinton said last week. I’m not kidding.

9:32 p.m.: This is the first time anyone has brought up the debt. This is perhaps the most important issue we, as young people, will be paying down the debt for the rest of our lives if it’s not fixed.


9:33 p.m.: Trump is saying that health insurance needs to be less expensive, but he is not outlining how it will become less expensive.


9:33 p.m.: This is where Pence comes in. Pence is the small-government conservative Trump needs to listen to in order to actually “Make America Great Again.”

9:35 p.m.: Hillary neglects that premiums have gone up astronomically, a natural consequence of socialized medicine.

9:36 p.m.: Quoting Jonathan Gruber is a genius tactic that should have been done sooner. This man literally bragged about selling Obamacare to Americans based on lies.


9:37 p.m.: Trump just called Islamophobia a shame. Wow, Trump you are the epitome of Islamophobia, please stop talking.


9:38 p.m.: I’m quite frankly surprised that they’ve moved off the leaked video after just 30 mins. I’m glad they are actually talking about issues, like the economy and foreign policy.

9:39 p.m.: What’s darker: what’s been said about Muslims, or what ISIS is doing to Jews, Christians and other Muslims?

9:40 p.m.: Hillary: “I’m relatable to Muslims! I know Muhammad Ali!” She’s starting to sound like Trump …


9:41 p.m.: Trump when asked about the Iraq War said he would support it, so him saying that Clinton voted for the war really does not mean anything.


9:41 p.m.: Trump shouldn’t bring up Iraq. It’s too unclear whether or not he supported the war.


9:42 p.m.: Trump wondering why the moderators keep interrupting him. If he actually answered the questions, he would not get interrupted.


9:42 p.m.: Trump should admit he flipped on the Muslim ban. No one actually thinks that’s a good idea, so just admit you’ve changed your mind.

9:43 p.m.: Hillary should listen to her BFF, FBI Director James Comey, about how we cannot properly vet refugees.


9:45 p.m.: Clinton making a good point. America was founded on religious freedom, banning Muslims based on their religion directly goes against our core beliefs.


9:46 p.m.: There we go, Iraq discussion. I wish I could be there when he preps, he needs some normal people around him.

9:47 p.m.: I think Hillary thinks people like it when she smiles. In reality, she looks arrogant and pompous. Tim Kaine had the same problem during the VP debate.


9:47 p.m.: Trump talking about his endorsements is an interesting move since he has ZERO endorsements from major news organizations.


9:48 p.m.: The moderators ask a question about Hillary’s scandals??? This has got to be an SNL skit or something.

9:49 p.m.: Hillary: “Yes, I’ve been to the cinema … I mean, the movies.”

9:49 p.m.: Yes, Wikileaks, run by an Australian man seeking asylum in Ecuador, is Russian.


9:50 p.m.: Clinton brings up a good point that Russia, a huge threat to the U.S., is trying hard to get Trump elected. U.S. citizens should take note of this, and not do what Russia wants.


9:51 p.m.: Trump mentions “Honest Abe.” See, he did finish preschool! I will say the juxtaposition of “Honest Abe” and “Crooked Hillary” is pretty powerful.


9:52 p.m.: Trump, today he says he pays millions in taxes, last debate he said he was smart for not paying taxes. Can you make up your mind?


9:52 p.m.: Why is Trump talking about his taxes? Kellyanne Conway must be screaming into a pillow.


9:53 p.m.: A question to Trump about taxing the extremely wealthy Americans is ironic. No way Trump says that he and his fellow billionaires are going to start paying more taxes.


9:53 p.m.: Fun fact, Trump’s tax plan actually does close loopholes that help the super-rich. On the other hand, Hillary who has worked for the public sector her entire life is somehow a millionaire.

9:54 p.m.: “She is raising your taxes, and I am lowering them.” For the love of God say that all the time and you’ll win. #donttreadonme


9:55 p.m.: The question was about how you will make the richest pay their fair share, and Trump talks about lowering taxes. Answer the damn question!


9:55 p.m.: Hillary’s right about how cutting taxes doesn’t work. It didn’t work in the 1980s with Reagan oh, wait, he grew GDP by almost 8 percent by cutting taxes.


9:58 p.m.: Trump saying he knows the tax system better than anyone else. Maybe that is because he constantly cheats the system.


9:58 p.m.: No one likes paying taxes. Everyone who loses money has the legal right to write those losses off. What’s wrong with that?


10:00 p.m.: Trump knows nothing about being a senator. In fact he has no political experience whatsoever, in comparison with Clinton’s 30 years of public service.


10:00 p.m.: Obama and Clinton destabilized the Middle East, and now we have ISIS. That’s a fantastic point, and it shows how regime change a policy that Bush supported doesn’t always work.

10:01 p.m.: Hillary advocated for women’s rights, and even took money from Saudi Arabia and other nations with strict anti-women laws in order to fund her noble crusade.

10:03 p.m.: “What’s that?” – Gary Johnson from his couch as they mention Aleppo


10:03 p.m.: Situation in Syria may be bad, but it is not the Holocaust. Let’s not make that connection.


10:03 p.m.: Pause. As a Jew and as someone who studies history, I am offended by the Holocaust comparison.


10:06 p.m.: “We are old, Russia is new” – It seems like Trump is such a big fan of Russia that maybe he should go run for president there. Oh wait, that would probably screw up his friendship with his BFF Putin.


10:06 p.m.: Trump is right about the consequences of arming rebels. We’ve learned nothing since Afghanistan in the 1980s, and I’ll admit, that wasn’t Hillary’s fault.


10:09 p.m.: Trump saying on live TV with millions watching that he disagrees with his VP is probably not a good thing to do. Also, Trump saying that he has not talked to Pence has brought up rumors on Twitter that Pence is asking to be off the ticket.


10:09 p.m.: Trump just said he disagrees with Pence … They should have worked that out. Maybe Pence would talk to him more if Trump stopped doing stupid things.

10:10 p.m.: What in the world is Raddatz trying to do? It’s not her job to yell at the candidates until they make her happy. Let us decide whether or not the answers are satisfactory.


10:11 p.m.: Clinton showing why she would be a better President than Bush. She’s not going to put a bunch of U.S. soldiers in danger in Syria like Bush did in Iraq.


10:13 p.m.: I will say, Hillary is really good at memorization.


10:14 p.m.: Trump: “I will be a President for all of our people” – except the ones he doesn’t like such as the Hispanics, the Muslims, the African-Americans, the Jews and the disabled.


10:15 p.m.: Trump: “I will be the president for everyone, and I will support diversity. Oh btw Hillary lied.” He can win if he acts, well, normal for more than five minutes. Why can’t he just do it?

10:16 p.m.: Democrat and Republicans alike are fed up with establishment politics. From Clinton to Obama to McCain to Ryan, politicians have failed us all.

10:18 p.m.: Is bullying really up because of Trump? I think Hillary’s fact-checkers need to get on that. Granted, I’m fairly sure he took Jeb’s lunch money during the primaries.


10:19 p.m.: I find it funny when Anderson Cooper brings up one bad thing that Clinton said one time, because there are sooooo many more terrible things that Trump has said.


10:19 p.m.: Trump has her on the Sanders argument. The DNC conspired with Hillary to block him from the nomination Bernie bros should #bernwithrage.


10:20 p.m.: Trump is talking about the hate in Clinton’s heart when he is the racist xenophobe who hates everyone.


10:21 p.m.: Hillary is four more years of Obama. That means four more years of high taxes, failed bureaucracy and American weakness. Who wants that?


10:21 p.m.: Trump just went from his tweets about a sex tape to Benghazi, once again please stay on topic and answer the question.


10:22 p.m.: This debate has been brought to you by Twitter, Inc.


10:22 p.m.: The last eight years of Obama have been pretty good Jared, and Hillary will improve upon them. Is four years of Trump seriously better? Are you seriously going to make that argument?


10:23 p.m.: Liberals say Bill isn’t running. So how come Hillary can brag about his accomplishments?

10:23 p.m.: Why isn’t Anderson Cooper talking! #freethecoop


10:24 p.m.: Thinking about who Trump might select for the Supreme Court truly scares me.  


10:25 p.m.: Everyone should vote, even dead people! And illegals! Your pets should vote too! Brings a whole new meaning to “blue dog Democrat.”

10:26 p.m.: The Supreme Court is perhaps the most important issue this election. We cannot survive a generation of progressive justices people like Scalia are who we need to save our liberties.


10:27 p.m.: And, Trump saying he wants to appoint someone like Scalia scares me, the last thing we need is another Scalia.


10:29 p.m.: Background checks are important, says Hillary. Except for when it comes to refugees.


10:29 p.m.: “Energy is under siege” – I’m pretty sure that Trump thinks that everything is under siege, hopefully he will be under siege soon enough.


10:29 p.m.: Hillary literally said she wants to put coal miners out of business. That’s not green that’s evil.


10:33 p.m.: Hillary is right when she says she is the only candidate who has a plan about energy. Actually, she is the only candidate who has any plan about anything.


10:33 p.m.: AWWWWWWWW That was so sweet! I hope these answers are funny. There’s little room for civility at this point.


10:34 p.m.: Great final audience question!


10:35 p.m.: Is anyone else thinking of great Trump responses to this question?

10:36 p.m.: Wow … Trump sounded like a decent person. Again, he only needed to do that a month ago and he’d be doing much better.


10:36 p.m.: I love how the answers to these questions turn out to be when the candidate says one good thing and then goes on to say bad things about the opponent.


10:38 p.m.: Final takeaway … Hillary needed to finish Trump off, but she didn’t. Trump needed to regain his momentum, and we can’t be sure until the next few days, but it sure is possible.