A temporary move
Class of 2018 moves into alcove for two months
After moving in, sophomores interact at their new lockers in the alcove.
April 15, 2016
Last week, the sophomore class moved into their alcove for the last two months of the school year, even though they will not have it for their junior year. For the 2016-2017 school year, the tenth grade lockers will be where the ninth grade hallway currently is, and the seventh and eighth grade lockers will be in the alcove closest to the 100’s classrooms. Below, sophomores share their opinions about moving into the alcove.
“It is fun to be here this year because our grade is closer together as opposed to spread out over two hallways, but I am annoyed we won’t have it next year.” – Sophomore Ilana Winter
“It is closer to most of my classes and it feels less isolated than the tenth grade hallway. It is a privilege to get it in eleventh grade for the full year and that is taken away from us. It is a stressful year so it would be nice to have the area with the couches.” –Sophmore Dara Greenwald
“It is a lot of fun to be in the space with all your friends. It’s something we’ve been waiting for all of our years at JDS. It sucks that we can’t have it for junior year, but we’ll get it our senior year and we have it now.” -Sophomore Jonathan Israel
“I feel like it’s not really worth it to move to the alcove this year because there’s not that much time left, and we’re going to have to move again next year.” -Sophomore Jonas Drogin