How teachers are working out
Photo courtesy of Cassandra Batson
Upper School STEM Coordinator Cassandra Batson takes a selfie with her dog while taking a break during a home yoga session.
November 18, 2020
“I workout or go for a run every morning before school starts. At first, it was a lot harder [to fit in a workout during quarantine] because I used to go to a gym, … but once I made it a routine it wasn’t that much harder to work out.” – History Department Chair Marc Buckley
“I run and walk and do yoga. Yoga forces me to block out the rest of the world and focus on myself.” – Upper School STEM Coordinator Cassandra Batson
“I go to [a] run-walk club on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and when I am not there I go on the elliptical for 20 minutes a day. It’s definitely harder to find the motivation to work out in my house and not at the gym or YMCA.” – Sixth grade Humanities teacher Tamar Gasko
“I do a lot of bike riding, walking [and] jogging. I always try to make time for it. There is more time to do longer activities. Before quarantine, I didn’t have time during the day to go for a longer ride.” – Health and Exercise Science Department Chair Steven Forestieri