Top books and movies of quarantine
“Love in the Time of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marques
“It seems appropriate for the strange times we are experiencing, and it is interesting to read a piece of fiction in which the characters periodically experience disease, quarantine and contact tracing just like we are.”
– Jewish history teacher Rachel Bergstein
“Soccernomics” by Simon Kuper
“I think it’s a good read because it’s not only about soccer but also about how much better teams can do by using different statistics and data. I think anyone who likes sports or math would enjoy it.”
– freshman David Fritz
“Shawshank Redemption”
“It was inspirational that the lead character never gave up on his situation being stuck in jail as an innocent man and managed to escape the corrupt jail and start a new life for himself.”
– junior Tyler Farkas
“The Breakfast Club”
“It’s really comforting, and I can watch it again and again and it never gets old.”
– sophomore Kayla Liss
This story was featured in The Lion’s Tale’s June 2020 magazine.