All the good and the bad times two
It was the first day of preschool, and my twin Henry and I were placed in different classes. While this is typically a heartbreaking goodbye for parents, it was also devastating to be separated from the person I had spent every moment with up until this point. As soon as our classes overlapped on the playground for recess, I ran to my twin and hugged him tightly. While that certainly is not repeated in the halls of high school, Henry will always be my first and forever friend.
Let’s be clear: having a twin is not always easy. We share anything and everything from our birthday to friends to the last cookie on the plate. While in the moment it can be frustrating to always feel like a half, it has taught me to be a considerate and patient person. From the simple tasks of taking turns on the swings to playing with our toys together, I have learned about the importance of putting others before myself.
As we are the same age, it’s easy for everyone to compare us. “Kate, are you on student government like Henry?” “Henry, why don’t you have your driver’s license like Kate does?” “Are you both looking at the same colleges?” For this reason, we both can agree that being a twin is tiring. Even though we are the same age, we still carry different passions, hobbies and ultimately, identities.
Despite our differences, we share the same values. Not everyone is as fortunate yet as cursed to have a constant companion like Henry. We always are at the same stage of life, giving us the ability to learn and confide in one another.
I admire Henry for infinite reasons. For starters, he lights up any room he walks into. He’s compassionate and courageous. And he’s funnier than I will ever be. My unbreakable love for him certainly does not mean we do not fight, constantly. Yet, our twin connection prompts me to always feel close to him.
It’s weird to think that he has known me longer than anyone. Whether he will admit or not, Henry is one of my biggest supporters. He can always tell when something is on my mind from across the room. As twins, we have never been far apart; yet as we embark on our separate college experiences, we will live exactly 970 miles away from each other. This means we won’t blow out the candles together on our birthdays and we won’t lean on each other if we don’t know anyone else in the room. Despite this reality, we won’t stop being twins.
Whether or not you have a twin, saying goodbye to loved ones is always hard. Yet, this time apart will make shorter times together much more meaningful. So, even if you and your sibling are bickering right now, try your best to take in every moment because it won’t last forever.
This story was featured in the Volume 36, Issue 4 edition of The Lion’s Tale, published on January 25, 2019.